Our Mission Statement
Upon The Rock seeks to lovingly and humbly glorify and serve God the Father, by the Grace of the Son, with the help of the Holy Spirit while focusing on providing individual souls with the environment, knowledge and tools to ignite or fuel their pursuit of holiness!
Our Statement of Faith
Upon The Rock is a Christ-centered ministry established to foster a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, the Living God, and to share His Word. Upon The Rock believes that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that glorifying God, obeying His Word, and surrendering to a deeper level of discipleship are the most important activities that His children can pursue.
While our programs are fun, engaging, and incredible experiences, Upon The Rock believes that nothing is more important than the work of sharing the Gospel, building relationships in Christ, and living out the faith our Lord has given us. This is the central focus of our ministry and our lives!
We are seeing a growing need for Upon The Rock as the pressures of society are causing people to forget their "first love." With the hurry-scurry of life, God is pushed further and further away in the lives of children and adults.
We provide a setting, program, and environment which help participants to focus on what is truly important. Join us this summer and escape the "noise" of the world to reconnect with the Creator of it all.
Located in La Veta, Colorado
We get into the Word, sleep under the stars, and have way too much fun.
Alongside our hunger for God's Word, we also know how to have a TON OF FUN! Archery Tag, Ziplining, Climbing Walls, and so much more.
Enjoy a weekend or week of incredible activities done with a new family of friends and Staff. This is a camp experience like no other!
Whether it's through our incredible programs, the love of our qualified and passionate Staff, or the every-day ministry of Upon The Rock, we strive to touch each life we come in contact with.
In a world full of distractions, we want to turn our focus to this one thing: Jesus Christ and the Word of God!
There are so many ways to get involved with Upon The Rock Christian Camp. Become a part of something bigger than yourself today and join our team! You can find more information about volunteering right here.