Fighting for the ministry!​
Upon The Rock is always in need of prayer. We put out a newsletter three times a year that details the needs at that time, but in general, there is always the need for intercessory prayers offered to God on our behalf. The main prayer that we need is found in Colossians 1:9-12:
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light."
You can also become part of our email prayer partner team by emailing
upontherockcamp@gmail.com and letting us know your desire to become part of this important group. By doing so, you will receive monthly emails with specific prayer requests for this ministry and for our family.
In the beginning stages of this ministry, Mark and Kim realized that Upon The Rock was not moving forward very quickly because they were both engrossed in their full-time careers. After the non-profit status was established, it became clear that the camp needed full time workers to take care of the correspondence, receipt writing, bookkeeping, program development, and everything else that is involved with keeping an organization operating efficiently.
Now that UTR has land, we also have the responsibility of facilitating the steps necessary to build the camp facilities during the off seasons. Additional facets of ministry have opened up since we’ve become part of our community. Some of these areas include being active members of our local church and part of the ambulance/volunteer fire department for La Veta. Therefore, Mark and Kim made the decision to leave their full-time professions in order to work full-time on the tasks God calls them to do.
Since they still have monthly expenses, it has become necessary for them to raise monthly support just like missionaries do. As of January 2017, there are 52 families and individuals currently funding 81% of their monthly needs. If you would like to partner in this way, please send an email to upontherockcamp@gmail.com and we will send you more information about this essential team.
Our full-time Staff is in constant need of your financial aid in the form of monthly support. Please check out our donation page to join one of their support teams today!

to the ministry you love!​​
This fund pays the cost of room and board at the rental facility for the 60 volunteer staff who participate in our week long programs.
This fund makes it possible for campers to receive funds to cover half or all of their camp fees, making it possible for many kids to experience camp who would not be able to otherwise.
Gifts For the Ministry
One-Time Gifts are essential and are used to cover the costs associated with operating this ministry.
One time gifts can be given in memory of loved ones, in honor of friends and family or just because you want to help continue the forward progress of this ministry.

The Cornerstone Lodge will be a 3,400 square foot building, which will house the kitchen, the dining room, the boys' and girls' bathhouses and a meeting room. This building will make it possible to run all of our camp programs at the property, even before the cabins are built.
The name for this lodge is actually more than a name; it is a concept. In the Bible, (1 Peter 2:4-6), Christ is referred to as the Cornerstone of the foundation. In communication, the cornerstone of a debate is the fundamental basis for everything being discussed. In construction, the cornerstone is bigger than the other stones and it is the first one to be set. Every other stone is set in relation to this first essential stone. Christ is at the center of all that a Christian believes. He is the solid rock upon which a stable and hope-filled life can be built.
Since this lodge is our first building, and because it is central and essential to the operation of camp at Upon The Rock's property, it seemed appropriate to call it Cornerstone Lodge.
As of December 2015,
God provided $255,000 to fully fund phase one of the project.