Mark and Kim Brunner are the founders of Upon The Rock, but they know that God is the Creator of this vision and He is the only reason that Upon the Rock is in existence today.
Throughout the long and difficult process of setting up the organization, helping others catch the vision, searching for property and everything else that has taken place to get Upon the Rock to the point that it is at now, God has always been right there. He has guided us through problems and provided all that was needed to keep pressing forward. If this were a man-made vision, it would have fallen to the wayside years ago. God has made it clear that this vision is from Him.

Incorporation: ​
Upon The Rock became incorporated on December 22, 1994. God provided a Board of Directors who meet regularly for annual and special meetings to keep Upon The Rock running smoothly. Together this group of people adopted a set of by-laws that govern the operation of the organization.
501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Status:​
With the help and expertise offered from a Christian lawyer, we were able to work through the application process, which establishes whether an organization is considered to be for profit or not for profit. Upon The Rock was granted non-profit status on August 8, 1996. This status enables Upon The Rock to issue receipts to donors for tax-deductible purposes and to apply for grants from foundations or public sectors.

As the team prepared to begin building the camp in 2018, the Spring Creek Fire roared over the mountains outside La Veta, Colorado.
This fire was the third largest in Colorado history and burned over 100,000 acres of beautiful forest. The Staff in La Veta was forced to watch the fire rip through the heart of the Camp Property, sparing some locations but completely incinerating others. Many pristine locations were changed forever over-night, and the way of life we'd become accustomed to was altered almost immediately.
This event delayed the building process for years, as floods continued to damage the area following the fire. County Road 421 was completely re-routed by the roaring floodwaters, and our entrance into the camp property was lost.
After many years of trusting in the Lord's timing, we are back on track to build the camp facility in La Veta, Colorado.
Our incredible full-time Staff don't only work as counselors, support staff, and more. They also pour their energy into the continuing work of building Upon The Rock!​ We've enjoyed many weekends of working side by side, and have been blessed by the progress made by these teams.
If you're interested in helping us during these times, please check out our WORK CAMP page, or contact us for more details!
We are also currently celebrating our 27th year of having camp! Praise the Lord!